Dr. Marie Meade

Dr. Marie Meade
Dr. Marie Meade


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7/14 - 7/20, 2024:

Full Moon Magical Power of Protection

Tensions will definitely brew as we navigate through this Full Moon. It is definitely connected to June's Full Moon and it is the "FINALE" to it. Venus and Jupiter will try to soften all the negative blows. BUT and a very big one, "Karma" will be highly active as SATURN RULES THIS ILLUMINATION.  Read and Digest. Watch out if any of you take unfair advantage in any situation with the use of trickery, and especially with lies, cheating, etc. in any facet of your life. AND, if this is done to you by another person.  It will not only turn out very badly, but you will absorb a negativity that will remain with you the rest of 2024 and DEFINITELY affect your life.

Whatever lack, heaviness, disruption of life (small or big) WILL COME BACK into your world to be completed with this illumination that may have occurred in June 2024 during June's illuminations. Neglecting any negatives you have right NOW will surely backfire on you. THIS FULL MOON HAS THE POWER TO BALANCE YOUR LIFE WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING. Make sure you are ready for this full moon of July 2024. Dr. Marie has crafted this ritual to ensure you are ready and protected, invest in the rest of your 2024 while you have time to prepare for the energies of this full moon... use the positive and protect against the negative with Dr. Marie's aid.


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Check back often for monthly and limited specials on counseling sessions with Dr. Marie, Mind Treatments, Guided Meditations, e-books and essays, and much more!